Organ Developmental Engineering Isotani Laboratory Nara Institute of Science and Technology Graduate school of bilogical science


Performance list


  1. Oji, A., Noda, T., Fujihara, Y., Miyata, H., Kim, YJ., Muto, M., Nozawa, K., Matsumura, T., Isotani, A.,and Ikawa, M. (2016) CRISPR/Cas9 mediated genome editing in ES cells and its application for chimeric analysis in mice. Sci Rep, 6:31666.
  2. Miyata, H., Castaneda, JM., Fujihara, Y., Yu, Z., Archambeault, DR., Isotani, A., Kiyozumi, D., Kriseman, ML., Mashiko, D., Matsumura, T., Matzuk, RM., Mori, M., Noda, T., Oji, A., Okabe, M., Prunskaite-Hyyrylainen, R., Ramirez-Solis, R., Satouh, Y., Zhang, Q., Ikawa, M., and Matzuk, MM. Genome engineering uncovers 54 evolutionarily conserved and testis-enriched genes that are not required for male fertility in mice. (2016) Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 113:7704-10.
  3. Isotani, A., Yamagata, K., Okabe, M., and Ikawa, M. (2016) Generation of Hprt-disrupted rat through mouse←rat ES chimeras. Sci Rep 6: 24215.
  4. Muro, Y., Hasuwa, H., Isotani, A., Miyata, H., Yamagata, K., Ikawa, M., Yanagimachi, R., and Okabe, M. (2016). Behavior of Mouse Spermatozoa in the Female Reproductive Tract from Soon after Mating to the Beginning of Fertilization. Biol Reprod. [Epub ahead of print]
  5. Young, S.A., Miyata, H., Satouh, Y., Kato, H., Nozawa, K., Isotani, A., Aitken, R.J., Baker, M.A., and Ikawa, M. (2015). CRISPR/Cas9-Mediated Rapid Generation of Multiple Mouse Lines Identified Ccdc63 as Essential for Spermiogenesis. Int J Mol Sci 16, 24732-24750.
  6. Miyata, H., Satouh, Y., Mashiko, D., Muto, M., Nozawa, K., Shiba, K., Fujihara, Y., Isotani, A., Inaba, K., and Ikawa, M. (2015). Sperm calcineurin inhibition prevents mouse fertility with implications for male contraceptive. Science 350, 442-445.
  7. Tokuhiro, K., Satouh, Y., Nozawa, K., Isotani, A., Fujihara, Y., Hirashima, Y., Matsumura, H., Takumi, K., Miyano, T., Okabe, M., et al. (2015). Calreticulin is required for development of the cumulus oocyte complex and female fertility. Sci Rep 5, 14254.
  8. Ohtsuka, M., Miura, H., Mochida, K., Hirose, M., Hasegawa, A., Ogura, A., Mizutani, R., Kimura, M., Isotani, A., Ikawa, M., et al. (2015). One-step generation of multiple transgenic mouse lines using an improved Pronuclear Injection-based Targeted Transgenesis (i-PITT). BMC Genomics 16, 274.
  9. Kimura, T., Kaga, Y., Ohta, H., Odamoto, M., Sekita, Y., Li, K., Yamano, N., Fujikawa, K., Isotani, A., Sasaki, N., et al. (2014). Induction of Primordial Germ Cell-Like Cells from Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells by ERK Signal Inhibition. Stem Cells 32, 2668-2678
  10. Mashiko, D., Fujihara, Y., Satouh, Y., Miyata, H., Isotani, A., and Ikawa, M. (2013). Generation of mutant mice by pronuclear injection of circular plasmid expressing Cas9 and single guided RNA. Sci Rep 3, 3355.
  11. Fujihara, Y., Satouh, Y., Inoue, N., Isotani, A., Ikawa, M., and Okabe, M. (2012). SPACA1-deficient male mice are infertile with abnormally shaped sperm heads reminiscent of globozoospermia. Development 139, 3583-3589.
  12. Isotani, A., Hatayama, H., Kaseda, K., Ikawa, M., and Okabe, M. (2011). Formation of a thymus from rat ES cells in xenogeneic nude mouse<-->rat ES chimeras. Genes Cells 16, 397-405.
  13. Horie, K., Kokubu, C., Yoshida, J., Akagi, K., Isotani, A., Oshitani, A., Yusa, K., Ikeda, R., Huang, Y., Bradley, A., and Takeda, J. (2011). A homozygous mutant embryonic stem cell bank applicable for phenotype-driven genetic screening. Nat Methods 8, 1071-1077.
  14. Yamaguchi, R., Muro, Y., Isotani, A., Tokuhiro, K., Takumi, K., Adham, I., Ikawa, M., and Okabe, M. (2009). Disruption of ADAM3 impairs the migration of sperm into oviduct in mouse. Biol Reprod 81, 142-146.
  15. Tokuhiro, K., Isotani, A., Yokota, S., Yano, Y., Oshio, S., Hirose, M., Wada, M., Fujita, K., Ogawa, Y., Okabe, M., Nishimune, Y., and Tanaka, H. (2009). OAZ-t/OAZ3 is essential for rigid connection of sperm tails to heads in mouse. PLoS Genet 5, e1000712.
  16. Morioka, Y., Isotani, A., Oshima, R.G., Okabe, M., and Ikawa, M. (2009). Placenta-specific gene activation and inactivation using integrase-defective lentiviral vectors with the Cre/LoxP system. Genesis 47, 793-798.
  17. Kokubu, C., Horie, K., Abe, K., Ikeda, R., Mizuno, S., Uno, Y., Ogiwara, S., Ohtsuka, M., Isotani, A., Okabe, M., Imai, K., and Takeda, J. (2009). A transposon-based chromosomal engineering method to survey a large cis-regulatory landscape in mice. Nat Genet 41, 946-952.
  18. Tokuhiro, K., Hirose, M., Miyagawa, Y., Tsujimura, A., Irie, S., Isotani, A., Okabe, M., Toyama, Y., Ito, C., Toshimori, K., Takeda, K., Oshio, S., Tainaka, H., Tsuchida, J., Okuyama, A., Nishimune, Y., and Tanaka, H. (2008). Meichroacidin containing the membrane occupation and recognition nexus motif is essential for spermatozoa morphogenesis. J Biol Chem 283, 19039-19048.
  19. Okada, Y., Ueshin, Y., Isotani, A., Saito-Fujita, T., Nakashima, H., Kimura, K., Mizoguchi, A., Oh-Hora, M., Mori, Y., Ogata, M., Oshima, R. G., Okabe, M., and Ikawa, M. (2007). Complementation of placental defects and embryonic lethality by trophoblast-specific lentiviral gene transfer. Nat Biotechnol 25, 233-237.
  20. Kobayashi, S., Isotani, A., Mise, N., Yamamoto, M., Fujihara, Y., Kaseda, K., Nakanishi, T., Ikawa, M., Hamada, H., Abe, K., and Okabe, M. (2006). Comparison of gene expression in male and female mouse blastocysts revealed imprinting of the X-linked gene, Rhox5/Pem, at preimplantation stages. Curr Biol 16, 166-172.
  21. Tanaka, H., Iguchi, N., Isotani, A., Kitamura, K., Toyama, Y., Matsuoka, Y., Onishi, M., Masai, K., Maekawa, M., Toshimori, K., Okabe, M., and Nishimune, Y. (2005). HANP1/H1T2, a novel histone H1-like protein involved in nuclear formation and sperm fertility. Mol Cell Biol 25, 7107-7119.
  22. Isotani, A., Nakanishi, T., Kobayashi, S., Lee, J., Chuma, S., Nakatsuji, N., Ishino, F., and Okabe, M. (2005). Genomic imprinting of XX spermatogonia and XX oocytes recovered from XX<-->XY chimeric testes. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 102, 4039-4044.
  23. Inoue, N., Ikawa, M., Isotani, A., and Okabe, M. (2005). The immunoglobulin superfamily protein Izumo is required for sperm to fuse with eggs. Nature 434, 234-238.
  24. Nakanishi, T., Isotani, A., Yamaguchi, R., Ikawa, M., Baba, T., Suarez, S.S., and Okabe, M. (2004). Selective passage through the uterotubal junction of sperm from a mixed population produced by chimeras of calmegin-knockout and wild-type male mice. Biol Reprod 71, 959-965.
  25. Nakanishi, T., Kuroiwa, A., Yamada, S., Isotani, A., Yamashita, A., Tairaka, A., Hayashi, T., Takagi, T., Ikawa, M., Matsuda, Y., and Okabe, M. (2002). FISH analysis of 142 EGFP transgene integration sites into the mouse genome. Genomics 80, 564-574.
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  1. Isotani A, Nakanishi T, Kobayashi S, Lee J, Chuma S, Nakatsuji N, Ishino F and Okabe M. 「GEBOMIC IMPRINTING OF XX GERM CELLS RECOVERED FROM XX↔XY CHIMERIC TESTES」、『Society for the Study of Reproduction』、M715、Quebec, Canada、(July 2005)
  2. Isotani A, Yamagata K, Ikawa M, Okabe M 「Generation of knockout rat through mouse↔rat chimera」、『International Symposium on “Epigenome dynamics and regulation in germ cells”』、京都、2016年 2月
  3. Isotani A, Hatayama H, Kaseda K, Ikawa M, Okabe M 「A trial to form an organ from ES cells--- a rat thymus in rat-nude mouse chimera. 」、『第7回研究所ネットワーク国際シンポジウム』、宮城、2012年 6月
  4. Isotani A, Kobayashi S, Mise N, Nakanishi T, Ikawa M, Abe K and Okabe M. 「Differentiation of XX germ cells in testicular environment」、『International Symposium on Germ Cells, Epigenetics, Reprogramming and Embryonic Stem Cells』、A12、京都、2005年11月
  5. Isotani A, Nakanishi T, Kobayashi S, Lee J, Ishino F and Okabe M. 「Analysis of genomic imprinting using XX↔XY chimeric mice」、『近畿大学21世紀COEプログラム「食資源動物分子工学研究拠点」第4回国際シンポジウム』、#20、和歌山、2004年9月、(優秀賞受賞)
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